Study fuel/gas is the study of a network of fuel and natural gas from the outlet of the gas meter to the exit of the exhaust, in residences, industries, commercial establishments and offices.

Factors of pension studies of combustible gas / natural gas

In ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Engineering, putting together studies of combustible gas / natural gas, taking into account:

1) The needs of consumption

2) The needs of heating and hot water

3) saving energy and space

4) The use and size of the building – industry

5) The provisions of ventilation

6) The kidnapping of gas (καπναγωγοί, chimneys)

7) compliance with The rules on fire protection

Study data of combustible gas / natural gas

A combustible gas / natural gas study includes thecalculations issue, thetechnical report of material specifications, theconstruction plans and floor plans depicting the network and facilities and theinstallation fire protection study.

In ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Engineering, we undertake a comprehensive study of knowing of the positives of the use of network combustible gas / natural gas (economy, ease-of-use, space-saving, reduced maintenance cost, environment-friendly) and presenting their installation through our projects.