The decision to install a pv system is not a simple case. Whether it's housing, whether for business or for photovoltaic park, everyone is looking for the advantages and disadvantages of pv to decide. Need great market research and the stakeholders need to bend above all resistances.

Any of the resistors are completely normal. Most people don't know much about the solar panels and the things that he reads a lot of times I didn't understand. These, in combination with the several thousands of euros required for an investment in a photovoltaic system, leading many times a person in a negative answer.

In this article I will quote, in all honesty, so the advantages of the pv, as well as its disadvantages. Mostly cons, so you can compare and determine if they outweigh the advantages or disadvantages.

The advantages of photovoltaic systems

Advantage #1: solar pv is a proven technology

Although most people think that solar pv is a new technology and how this period is in fashion, the reality is completely different. The history of photovoltaic systems starts in scientific experimental level since the early 1800's. The first photovoltaic cell with the possibility of conversion of solar energy into electricity was built in 1954. Until 1983, the production of solar panels more than 21 megawatts.

All of these decades, have shown the way to renewable energy sources. Nowadays, more and more homes and businesses using the proven technology of photovoltaic systems.

Advantage #2: pv operating in most climate conditions

Quite a few people who believe that the solar panels do not work in areas with a colder climate than others. This is not true, since in reality the photovoltaic panels operate more efficiently at lower temperatures. Excessive heat can reduce the output voltage. Certainly, the more time the time the panels exposed to the sun, will produce more electricity. Modern panels, however, is quite efficient and produce power even in situations of lower sunshine. This makes pv suitable for each region of Greece, as well as in any area of the country there is a 24-hour night.

Advantage #3: photovoltaic systems have become affordable, and there are subsidies

One of the advantages of the current era of pv systems is that they have become affordable. Yes, the prices are much lower than a decade ago. Then, we confess that the pv was a kind of luxury.

Για να γίνει περισσότερο αντιληπτό το πόσο συμφέρουν οικονομικά τα φωτοβολταϊκά τη σημερινή εποχή, θα σας παραθέσουμε ένα στατιστικό στοιχείο από την εταιρεία μας, την ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Renewables. Το 2011, για να εγκαταστήσει μία κατοικία ένα φωτοβολταϊκό 10kW, ο ενδιαφερόμενος θα έπρεπε να δαπανήσει περίπου €20.000 – €30.000. Σήμερα, οι τιμές μας για ένα φωτοβολταϊκό 10kW κυμαίνονται ενδεικτικά από €7.500 έως €9.500. Μάλιστα, η ποιότητα δεν έχει μειωθεί καθώς χρησιμοποιούμε πάνελ και inverter γερμανικής τεχνολογίας, ενώ ο μοναδικός ιαπωνικός inverter που χρησιμοποιούμε είναι του πασίγνωστου κολοσσού HUAWEI. Αντιστοίχως, ένα φωτοβολταϊκό πάρκο 100kW που πριν δέκα χρόνια κόστιζε περίπου €170.000, πλέον κοστίζει περίπου €67.000 με υπηρεσίες που περιλαμβάνουν τα πρώτα στάδια της μελέτης μέχρι την παράδοση του φωτοβολταϊκού με το κλειδί στο… χέρι.

If you add, therefore, that in these reduced prices there are, at times, and subsidies such as SAVE – I AM INDEPENDENT for residences and programs NSRF for business, programmes, which also takes the company offering comprehensive services, then it becomes clear how affordable they have become the photovoltaic current era.

Advantage #4: photovoltaic systems save money and parks offer great odds

This needs to be understood that all stakeholders is how a photovoltaic it is an investment. An investment is calculated and evaluated over time. Invested namely a couple of thousands of euros, and the result of this investment will need to be translated also in euro.

Savings from solar panels residential 

Starting from the homes, let's assume that a house mount photovoltaic 10kW. Assume that the pv cost about €9.500, and will be compared to a home that does not have solar. In both cases we assume that the two homes are needed each year to 13,000 kWh, as well as meet the needs of heating and cooling with a heat pump.

The following table shows us that the house has a photovoltaic system, saves per year in the amount of €1774,10.

This means that in just 5 years ago, the family of the photovoltaic system will write off the cost of installation of €9.500, and for the rest of about 20 years, as well as the lifetime of a photovoltaic is 25 years, you will save an amount of the order of €35.482 which would otherwise be paid to the power. So one person for a photovoltaic system must have wondered if I wanted to save, depending on the kW will be installed, that's enough money in the long run. It is good to mention that the solar panels are now increasing the value of a dwelling in the event of a sale.

8.5 years, as well as the lifetime of a photovoltaic is 25 years, you will save an amount of the order of €17.027,40 which would otherwise be paid to the power. So one person for a photovoltaic system must have wondered if I wanted to save, depending on the kW will be installed, that's enough money in the long run. It is good to mention that the solar panels are now increasing the value of a dwelling in the event of a sale.

Savings from solar to businesses – industries – crafts

We continue with an example for photovoltaic enterprises – industries – crafts. The purpose of all business is to reduce their operating costs and increase their profitability. With that money you will be able to move in new investments for their business which will lead to further profitability and growth.

Let's assume that a company installs a pv 20 kW with a cost ranging from €14.000. A simple calculation rule is the following: Each kW of pv installed, it reduces the total amount of the bill by €250 per year. In our example, that is, to €5,000/year for a business.

The table below, reflects the profitability of the investment of a net metering photovoltaic 20kW to a company.

As we can see, the damping is achieved in the first three years and in-depth 25ετιας, the company saves more than €110.000, which would otherwise be paid to the power. A concerned businessman has to wonder how many investments can achieve payback in just 3 years, and an amount of the order of €110.000, which saves you in the long run, how much development could bring to the company.

Yields of photovoltaic parks 

Finally, we have the solar park which is purely an investment and sell current earning an annual income.

Let's assume that an individual builds a solar farm to 100 kW, with a cost of €some 67,000 and has signed a contract for the sale of €65/MWh. This means that every time the solar park will generate €9.100, and in-depth 25 - €eur 227 500.

Therefore, the annual yield of the amounts to 13.6% of the initial investment. If you don't have a field and I had to spend a large amount to obtain it, let's put a fairly large amount of the order of €20.000, increasing the total cost to €leaves 87,000, then enjoy again high annual returns in the range of 10.5%.

If we calculate that the real estate companies are pleased with annual returns of about 8% and for many of them, this figure is impossible, then it becomes clear how advantageous option is a solar park.

Advantage #5: The solar panels don't need a lot of maintenance and have a long shelf life

In general, the solar panels don't need a lot of maintenance, as they have great durability and a lifetime of 25 years. It is good the owner to maintain a relatively clean. This is achieved by a cleaning a couple of times a year but again it is not absolute. Also, several companies of photovoltaic panels offer a large time guarantees up to 25 years.

The only accessory that may need to be changed in all these years, usually per 5 years or 10 years, it is the inverter, as well as working tirelessly for the conversion of solar energy into electric current.

Disadvantages of photovoltaic systems

Disadvantage #1: solar panels don't work at night

There are too many people who are interested in autonomous completely from the network and to be transported in autonomous photovoltaic systems. In most cases, however, this is not something that is realistic. Although more and more companies are now in the promotion of autonomous photovoltaic systems, which operate with batteries (accumulators), the solution is not yet widespread.

Primarily, the photovoltaic energy works in real time and any "excess" is stored in the network. Households rely on the providers of power during the night and when there is limited sunshine. 

Disadvantage #2: The solar panels are not stylish and occupy a lot of space

The aesthetic is a significant factor for every homeowner. Besides, those who live in a detached house, which is primarily suitable for the installation of household solar roof, have shaped the house of them that you like them.

Although there are many efforts panels to be as discreet as they can, yet is not at the appropriate level, while occupy much room.

Στην ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Renewables, δίνουμε μεγάλη έμφαση στην καλαισθησία. Γι’ αυτό έχουμε επιλέξει για τους πελάτες μας πάνελ συγκεκριμένης μορφής. Στόχος μας οι όσο το δυνατόν καλαίσθητες εγκαταστάσεις από τα πάνελ μέχρι και το σημείο τοποθέτησης του inverter.

Disadvantage #3: it is Not effective on all ceilings, there is a problem with the public areas

It is a fact that a pv system is not efficient in every building, and this depends on both the roof and the shadows that are there. For there is the greatest possible performance, there should be plenty of room and to "accept" the rays of the sun when they are available. However, companies and qualified engineers are now finding solutions for these issues.

In public areas such as the roof of a building required the consent of all owners, which in several cases is not achieved.

Disadvantage #4: Have an impact on the environment

The photovoltaic panel is an industrial product that is manufactured. As is the case in any construction of this kind, there are associated environmental impact of the chemicals used in their manufacture. This placement, it is indeed the case, that's why we include the disadvantages but while all this is happening with most of the industrial products, the solar panels have a smaller environmental impact.

The benefits to the environment in the long term is more than the environmental cost of manufacturing the panels.

Disadvantage #5: Not all panels of high quality

There are very few panels on the market that do not have the same efficiency with the rest. However, it is not only the efficiency but also the durability, reliability and design.

This is one reason why we suggest our clients not to focus only on price but to look at the overall benefits and efficiency in general, as well as mentioned, this is not a simple product, but for a long-term investment.

It is suggested always be a good market research, and we strongly encourage the purchase of high-quality panels, as well as the owner I have for almost three decades.

Who shall prevail; The advantages or disadvantages?

Above we have tried in all honesty, numbers, and facts, in several cases, listing the major advantages and disadvantages of photovoltaics.

If outweigh the pros or cons, it's something you'll decide for yourself. Besides, the final decision is always of the interested party.

Φωτοβολταϊκά από την ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Renewables: Δίπλα σας σε κάθε βήμα

Στην ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Renewables διαθέτουμε εμπειρία στη μελέτη και εγκατάσταση φωτοβολταϊκών. Έχουμε εγκαταστήσει φωτοβολταϊκά πάρκα, όπως επίσης φωτοβολταϊκά για κατοικίες και επιχειρήσεις σε όλη την Ελλάδα, ακόμη και σε νησιά. Αναλαμβάνουμε όλες τις διαδικασίες από την πιθανή χρηματοδότησή του, τη μελέτη, την κατάθεση του φακέλου, την εγκατάσταση και παραδίδουμε το φωτοβολταϊκό σας με το κλειδί στο… χέρι. 

Are you interested in photovoltaic; Click on the button “I Want a phone appointment” below, fill out the form and a competent engineer will contact with you to solve all your questions and to guide you to the right decision.