The company pv is the most important decision he has to take an interested party. In this article, presents 8 tips for choosing the right company that will take your photovoltaic system.

Main points of the article:

– Search experience, the projects and a proven track record of the company.
– Companies with large partnerships can guide you better.
– Avoid the cheap solutions.
– Ask for after sales service and search for the additional value.
– Ask for ways of funding.
– Do not place geographic limits on the choice of the company.
– Talk with people you trust.

The investment in a photovoltaic system is a big deal and the final decision only easy, it's not.

Whether it is a house, either for businessfor either photovoltaic park, if you are interested in solar, you have to take decisions on many issues and in the end to consider the cost of the investment, to put the numbers down and to see if and how you will proceed.

Most people consider that the authority is what solar will choose. The truth, however, is completely different. The hardest decision is what kind of company of photovoltaic you choose to study, licensing, and installation of the project.

This company will guide them in the choice of the pv system. This company pv will be proposed and will determine the kW, the inverters, the bases and everything related to the project.

The option only easy, it's not and you'll need a great deal of market research up to you to settle down to what solar will install.

The choice of the people who will take on the task is the most important. The luck of your pv is in their hands. From the study, and licensing, to the installation and delivery and after sales service.

In this article, we will show you how to choose the best company for photovoltaics design, licensing, installation of photovoltaic and photovoltaic market.

Experience, proven track record and expertise of the three most important features.

1. Experience & projects

You will have noticed in any market and in any industry that companies are trying to increase their credibility by showcasing their expertise.

Some company may highlight the fact that it is on the market for many, many years, presenting usually the date of foundation, while some other companies project the number of their projects.

The experience of the company in any industry is very important because it shows that he has acquired during on the market and has managed to withstand the test of time.

The same applies in the field of photovoltaic. The experienced companies that have undertaken many projects, rightly stand out and are preferred by the stakeholders for the purchase, design and installation of photovoltaic them.

An experienced company in the market, with several projects should be the first factor that you should consider for the selection of the appropriate company.

Who, indeed, view their works and you can see what you have created, will help you to get a taste of the quality and elegance of their work. In this way you will understand better if you match your style.

2. Proven track record

The proven track record comes after the experience and projects. The fact that a company can be located in the market for 20 or 30 years and that he has undertaken, for example, over 100 projects, definitely shows that it has a lot of experience. Great experience, however, doesn't necessarily mean a good job.

Especially in the industry of solar, how many solar panels will fit someone in the life of the home or the business to don't choose the same company for a second time, in case that is not doing a good job?

Let's assume that the company did not do a good study and there is a great shading on photovoltaic. This means that it is not attributed to the maximum. The company and will continue to be in the market and this project will be added to the portfolio.


Fortunately, in today's age, there are online reviews of the companies. This way you can review the available evaluations of the customers of a company. Great attention, however, there is an adequate sample evaluations. Criticism – whether positive or negative – from 1-2 customers only does not necessarily mean that the company is good or bad. It takes several reviews to get a good conclusion.

Another way that we would suggest is to investigate in-depth the background of the company and its activities. If you manage to find on the internet information about certain companies and their collaborations, then these you'll stand out immediately in your list.

Example of a company proven track record

Ας αναφέρουμε για παράδειγμα, τον δικό μας όμιλο επιχειρήσεων, την ΙΩΝΙΚΗ. Αναζητώντας κάποιος στο διαδίκτυο την ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Renewables και τις συνεργασίες της, σίγουρα θα φτάσει στην εταιρεία μηχανικών του ομίλου, ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Engineering.

Then, you will find that the ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Engineering, he has worked with very large industries in Greece and abroad as the SUNLIGHT at the level of the construction, design and supervision.

Οπότε σε αυτήν την περίπτωση, θα συνειδητοποιήσετε ότι οι μηχανικοί του ομίλου ΙΩΝΙΚΗ (ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Engineering, ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Renewables κ.α.) διαθέτουν τεράστια εμπειρία σε μεγάλα έργα βιομηχανίας και πως τους έχουν εμπιστευτεί μεγάλες βιομηχανίες. Ευλόγως και ορθώς θα καταλήξετε στο συμπέρασμα ότι από τη στιγμή που οι συγκεκριμένοι μηχανικοί στήνουν ολόκληρες βιομηχανίες, ασφαλώς θα μπορέσουν να στήσουν αποτελεσματικά και αποδοτικά φωτοβολταϊκά πάρκα και φωτοβολταϊκά σε οικίες και επιχειρήσεις. 

3. Expert advice and guidance from the company pv 

The triad of the main features are completed with the expert advice and the right guidance.

And these features are coming like the next step from 1 & 2. It is an experience, projects and a proven track record.

As mentioned above with the example of the group ΙΩΝΙΚΗ, the engineers have demonstrated the experience and the effectiveness of their works. This was inferred from the size of the industries that have worked and the frequency. In the example of the SUNLIGHT, there are three cooperation in Greece, Italy and The.E.A. Would choose never one such industry to work several times with a company that didn't do their job?

Of course, such a rating engineers are able to provide expert advice to a client and to guide him to the right decision.

Collaborations prove it and this is the key. Everyone will tell you that they have experience and that specialize in the studies, licenses etc. We don't deny that but we have to look for proven track record. This way you will know your level of experience, and the degree of specialization.

So, you will know that you are talking with the right people. You will have the peace of mind even if it cost you the work of some more money.   

Economic factors and after sales service of the company pv 

4. Avoid very cheap solutions

Have you ever heard the saying "Too good to be true? This applies to the solar panels. When we talk I don't, for an investment of several thousand euros, then we don't suggest the risk of quality.

Certainly the cost is, if not the most important factor, one of the most important. You won't have to be the most important factor.

Usually, those who choose a bit more expensive and high-quality products and services, have better results. What you give, you get the people and that applies here.

An example of χρηματοκοικονομικές investments

Speaking of lining around the solar panels, let's get an example from the financial investment.  

A client tells a trader that wants to make a €5,000 a year, and we will allocate capital to €20,000. Then, the broker informs him that in order to achieve this you'll have the annual performance of the investment is 25%. He continues saying that you need to buy some kind of shares that have a high risk but expectations for big profits. He adds that he knows what will these shares. So excited the client overhears that will be given shares of great expectations and how we can just to €20,000 to make a €5,000 a year, accepts. The result is the specific shares to have huge fluctuations, mainly downward. In the end, the client has lost a high percentage of his capital. For sure you will have heard your stories. Is that what the client wanted and was presented was too good to be true.

The same broker, however, was talking with another investor said that he wants to make that €5,000 per annum, but may allocate capital €100.000. The broker in this case, he said he can focus on very large companies that offer dividends, and in some portfolios of income with very little risk. The result in this case is the investor makes fixed the year, a yield of 5%, which corresponds to €5,000 on the original capital.

And the solar panels is an investment

Mention specific examples of why and photovoltaics is a long-term investment. Household solar panels save you money in the household, which means that it can to achieve savings of the difference to be paid in bills without solar, and to be fluid. Professional photovoltaic save money for businesses and in the same way. Finally, the solar farms generate specific annual returns every year.

If the investment you make for your photovoltaic sounds too good to be true, then this is a sign to avoid it.

5. After sales service and added value of the company pv 

Another very important factor for the selection of the appropriate company that will take over the work of your pv is the after sales service and added value.

No one likes to buy something and then don't know where to turn to solve any problem that has occurred. From the smallest things to the biggest.

In all of our markets, from a plain keyboard a car, or solar, we expect to have after sales service and it's from there that we bought.

In the search for the company that will take over your work, ask about the after sales service and specify if you would communicate with them or if we refer you to the company of the panels, in the company of the inverter, etc.

Στην ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Renewables τονίζουμε οι ίδιοι πάντα στους πελάτες μας ότι θα είμαστε δίπλα τους σε κάθε βήμα. Από την ιδέα έως την υλοποίηση του έργου και μετά.

We also provide additional value to those who trust us. The inverter is the most sensitive part of a photovoltaic system and have the greatest time guarantee. It's usually at 5 years. Those who choose us, we are increasing the warranty to 10 years.

That something extra that we offer, it is still a security that provides value to our customer and we advise you to look for the extra value from the company of photovoltaic you choose.

6. The company pv must guide in finding ways of funding

It makes sense that when an investment amounting to several thousand euros, to find ways of financing the project.

Ask the companies you stand out if you know for actively funding programs.

It is very important in the context of expert advice and proper guidance to know about their specific ways.

Note that in this case it is true that and the 1, 2 & 3. The envelope of the funding is feasibility study.

The group ΙΩΝΙΚΗ, the ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Finance operates in the field of investment programmes, achieving up to now funding in excess of €80.000.000 for industries that supports the ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Engineering. It can be found here, namely the proven track record that it is advisable to look for you, asking also for the success rates.

Ignore the distance, ask those you trust

7. You do not need to select a necessary company pv from your city

When you search for the right company for photovoltaic who will take over the work of your photovoltaic, don't put boundaries. Not looking for so companies only from your city or from neighboring counties.

Search from all over Greece. The best companies and those that distinguish themselves as the best are those which can support projects throughout Greece. Usually it is those that have invested in the show and present things, something that will make your research easier, with more findings and information that you need.

If you live in the north but have you found to the south of the company that covers all your needs, has to solve all your queries, has earned your trust, and while serving in the whole of Greece, select it. 

Do not place geographic limits on such important works as a solar panel.

8. Talk with people you trust

For the end we left a tip which perhaps you can start even if it is not mentioned in this article and very well made. If you have people that you trust and have installed photovoltaic, they can transfer their experience to the company of photovoltaic selected.

Even in this case, however, be sure to make the whole of the research we report in this article so as to form a global view of the same for the company of photovoltaic systems is proposed.  

Φωτοβολταϊκά από την ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Renewables: Δίπλα σας σε κάθε βήμα

Στην ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Renewables, σκεπτόμενοι πάντα το συμφέρον του πελάτη μας, δίνουμε τεράστια σημασία στην αξιοπιστία και την αποδοτικότητα του φωτοβολταϊκού σας.

Without doing a discount on quality, we offer competitively priced packages pv for businesses with a German panel, and German inverter. Even in the more economical solution with inverter from Asia, we have chosen a well-known company, Huawei, and we offer extra warranty.

Our experience in the design and installation is great and we undertake the following:

1. Electrical DC/AC
2. Installation base – panel
3. Installation of electrical
4. Network connection
5. Licensing / project management

Are you interested in photovoltaic; Click on the button “I Want a phone appointment” below, fill out the form and a competent engineer will contact with you to solve all your questions and to guide you to the right decision.