The action of "Green Transformation of Smes" is the second part of a package of actions "Green Transition Smes". As with the first action and a certain suspension of pre-publication took place few days ago and the announcement is expected, on the basis of the planning of forthcoming calls, at the beginning of 2023. The two key differences between the two actions of the programme is the height of the investment project, which in the action "Green Transformation of Smes' ranges from 200.001,00€ up to 1.000.000,00€, and the possibility of choice, on the part of investors, financial aid schemes.

The purpose of this action

The action of "Green Transformation of Smes' aims to encourage greater investment projects aimed at the use of modern technologies and the further upgrading of the produced products. With the increase in the rate of subsidy is given extra incentive for actions which take advantage of modern technologies related to energy upgrade, circular economy and adoption of clean energy sources.

Beneficiaries and basic conditions

The Action may submit a proposal to the existing medium-sized, small and very small businesses and comply with the following conditions:

  • To have at least one (1) full closed administrative use before the date of electronic submission of the application for funding.
  • To operate substantially (Master Code Activity or Activity item with the highest income) in one (1) eligible SMR activity of the invitation before the date of electronic submission of the application for funding.
  • To have the eligible/s SMR lining of the invitation before the date of electronic submission of the application for funding.
  • To have three (3) at least SRM employment in the calendar year preceding the submission of the application for funding.
  • To not be starting work on the project before the submission of the application for funding.
  • To declare as a place/places on the implementation of the activities of this action solely and exclusively to the category of Region.
  • To operate exclusively as a business corporate/commercial
  • To meet the conditions of application of the Regulation EU based financial aid scheme will choose mandatory during submission of applications for funding. There is a choice of either the Even. EU 651/2014 (general block exemption REGULATION) or Even. EU 1407/2013 (De minimis).

Eligible costs

The eligible costs shall be the following:

Category Of Expenditure
Type Of Expenditure
Costs for buildings and other facilities
Buildings, facilities and surrounding area
up to 40%
up to 40% of Article 14 of REGULATION
Equipment Costs
Machinery – Equipment (Contractual Costs) 2.1 Prolific & Mechanical Equipment 2.2 Equipment
up to 100% equipment (2.2) up to 5% of the total subsidized cost of the class 2
2.1 from 20% to 100% 2.2 to 5% of the total subsidized cost of category 2 of Article 14 of REGULATION
Equipment Costs
Equipment (GREEN)* 3.1 Equipment to improve Energy Efficiency /energy-saving 3.2 Equipment circular economy 3.3 Equipment production of energy from RES for self-consumption
up to 50%
up to 50% of Article 14 GAK Kat. Sgc.3.3 Article 41 general block exemption REGULATION
Charge of "Green Transition" (GREEN)
Costs for the Provision of Services
Product certification – Services – Procedures 4.1 Certification and compliance of a product in accordance with national, harmonised, as well as optional models of european states and /or countries outside the eu.E. 4.2 Certification services & procedures in accordance with national, harmonised, as well as other european and international standards. 4.3. Intellectual property – Patents and know – how
up to 10%
up to 10% and up to 50,000€ Article 14 general block exemption REGULATION
Intangible assets
Costs for the Provision of Services
Services Packaging Design – Label – Branding
up to 5%
up to 5% of Article 18 of the general block exemption REGULATION
Costs for the Provision of Services
Expenditure Projection and Extroversion
up to 20,000€
Costs for the Provision of Services
Participation in trade fairs
Up to 10%
as 10% of Article 19 GAK
Costs for the Provision of Services
Technical Studies 8.1 The Technical Studies necessarily related costs of classes 1,2 and 3
up to 10%
up to 10% and up to 80.000€ Article 18 of the general block exemption REGULATION
Consulting Services 8.2 Monitoring of the investment project
up to 4% up to€10,000
up to 4% and up to 25,000€ Article 18 of the general block exemption REGULATION
Means Of Transport
Means of transport (GREEN)* Mandatory electric
up to 50,000€
up to 25% and up to 100.000€ Article 14 general block exemption REGULATION
Charge of "Green Transition" (GREEN)
Wage costs
Cost of wages of new employees (new staff from 1 to 3 NIMS )
Up to 20% and up to 45,000 € with the use of common support (article 25 EVEN EU 1060/2021)
(Article 54, Even. 1060/2021 using a common support (article 25 EVEN EU 1060/2021))
Indirect costs
Indirect costs
7% of the eligible direct costs of the investment project Article 54, Even. 1060/2021) using a common support (article 25 EVEN EU 1060/2021)

As the starting date for eligibility of expenditure is defined as the date of submission of the application for funding.

Amounts and rates of assistance

The grantee budget of each project ranges from 200.001€ to 1.000.000€. The grantee budget of the investment project may not exceed twice the highest turnover achieved in one of three (or fewer if the company has for three) fiscal periods of the year preceding the submission of the application for funding with a maximum amount of 1.000.000€.

In the context of this Action given the choice between the following financial aid schemes:

  • Even (EU) 1407/2013 (Rule De-Minimis)
  • Even (EU) 651/2014 (general block exemption REGULATION), art. 14,18,19 and 41.

During the submission of the application, the company must choose one of two financial aid schemes. The selection scheme is mandatory for the submission of applications for Funding and cannot be differentiated at a later stage. The rates of aid projects and the private participation of the beneficiary of the aid for all the costs of the projects varies according to the financial aid scheme has been selected and ranges from 40% to 60%.

The percentage of the grant may receive a surcharge of 10% by the inclusion of the investment project, which will be assigned to each stage of certification of the object's physical and financial. The above increase is confirmed, if necessary, and certified costs of "Green Transition" GREEN at a rate of at least 20% of the total eligible costs of the investment project at the stage of final verification.

The Action is expected to be launched in the next months and will remain open for submission of applications throughout the programming period 2021-2027.

Deadline and how to submit the required documents, the obligations of the beneficiaries as well as other conditions of implementation will be described in the Detailed Call of Action.

You can find the preliminary publication of the action here

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